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Return Policy

releasebuy.com Order Return Options

When returning merchandise purchased from releasebuy.com, shipping costs paid on the order are not refunded.

If there was a problem with your order (missing, damaged, wrong items).

To return merchandise in-store, simply bring the item you would like to return and your receipt to the Customer Service

Desk of any releasebuy store near you. Need to return or exchange an item without a packing slip? No problem. Our store Associates can locate releasebuy

Charge purchases up to 12 months after the purchase date, and the credit can be applied to your account. Non-releasebuy

Charge purchases, or purchases made outside the 12 month timeframe qualify for a releasebuy Merchandise Credit or a corporate-issued refund.

Wayfair items cannot be returned to a releasebuy store or our online fulfillment center. To return a Wayfair product.
When returning Laptops/Tablets, please remember to remove your personal data and information.

If you prefer to return by mail, fill out the return form that accompanied your purchase and pack the merchandise and receipt

into a sturdy box. Please send all shipments prepaid and include all merchandise tags.

At this time, we are unable to accept exchanges by mail.
Wayfair items cannot be returned to a releasebuy store or our online fulfillment center. To return a Wayfair product.
When returning Laptops/Tablets, please remember to remove your personal data and information.

Freight Delivered Item Returns:

Please follow the instructions on the red stop sign sticker affixed to your delivery carton to return your item(s).
Please do not return the item(s) to a releasebuy store. Call releasebuy Customer Service at (855) 564-5705 for easy returns.
Shipping costs and surcharges will not be refunded and a 15% re-stocking fee will be assessed, unless the return is made because the item is defective.

releasebuy Cash/Rewards and Returns

Please click on a question below to view your answer.

releasebuy Cash and Returns

Are you returning merchandise from a purchase that earned releasebuy Cash?

Did you already spend your releasebuy Cash?

Are you returning merchandise that was purchased with releasebuy Cash?

releasebuy Rewards and Returns

What happens to my releasebuy Rewards points if I return an item?

Why do I have negative points on my account?

Are you returning merchandise that was purchased with your reward certificate?

If you are making a return or price adjustment on an item you bought with a reward certificate, the value

of the reward certificate will be returned as a releasebuy Merchandise Credit.

The order/items I received are incorrect

We apologize for any error made in the processing of your order and for any inconvenience it may have caused.

Our hassle-free Return & Exchange Policy makes it easy to correct your order, or get your money back.

If you received extra items that are not yours, with the information from the items that are not yours.
If you are missing items from your order, please call us with detailed information of what is missing so we can reorder it for you or reimburse you.
If you received someone else's order completely, please call us for assistance with the order number from the
order you did receive, as well as your order number so we can track your merchandise.

Did you already spend your releasebuy Cash?

Are you returning merchandise that was purchased with releasebuy Cash?

releasebuy Rewards and Returns

What happens to my releasebuy Rewards points if I return an item?

Why do I have negative points on my account?

Are you returning merchandise that was purchased with your reward certificate?

If you are making a return or price adjustment on an item you bought with a reward certificate, the value of the reward

certificate will be returned as a releasebuy Merchandise Credit.

The order/items I received are incorrect

We apologize for any error made in the processing of your order and for any inconvenience it may have caused.

Our hassle-free Return & Exchange Policy makes it easy to correct your order, or get your money back.

If you are missing items from your order, please call us with detailed information of what is missing so we can reorder it for you or reimburse you.
If you received someone else's order completely, please call us for assistance with the order number from the order
you did receive, as well as your order number so we can track your merchandise.